Tradition and quality
With a clear logo – the traditional tallow stick above of people, and one man with personality and character who climbs to the top – Cocagne symbolizes seeing its origins and a know-how capable of adapting the company to the challenges of each season, the changing tastes of consumers and the possibility to reach the top. All products reflect the care, finesse and precision of traditional production while at the same time reflecting the quality and food safety of today.

A brand from the universe of Ramirez
The Cocagne brand was created in Portugal in 1906, when Ramirez, owner and producer of the brand, was still accumulating the production of canned goods with the manufacture of jute fabrics for salting fish. Now Cocagne is one of 15 brands in Ramirez’s portfolio. We are talking about the world’s oldest operating fish cannery in the industry.
One of the secrets that explains why Ramirez has been around for so long is its ability to adapt production to consumer tastes in each market. Today, the new production unit “Ramirez 1853” contributes to this, one of the most modern and ecological factory in the world in the cannery sector.
— For further information about Ramirez, check our Ramirez page. —

The heritage of the Cocagne
Ramirez and his longevity, as well as all his brands, are associated with the strong will of the family to always want to do more and better. When globalization was still a mirage and Facebook had no correspondence in the most delusional utopias, we already collected “likes” in the five continents, where we arrived by single-motored airplane, steamboat or jalopy. Like the company he created, the Cocagne brand ensures harmony between the past, present and future every day.

Cocagne today
A clear commitment to sustainable fishing, process certification, innovation, quality control and consumer convenience allow the company to continue to offer unique flavors and quality after 115 years in store shelves, to still have unique flavors and quality, such as canned wild fish which MSC certification.
Created and produced five generations ago by the same family, Cocagne is one of the oldest and most appreciated canned fish brand on the European market. Over the past more than a hundred years, the quality of Cocagne products has remained unchanged. The fish used to make the preserves are always fished at a certain time of the year and prepared with special care, in accordance with old Portuguese traditions, for lovers of gastronomic specialties.

Source of informations and images: cocagne.be