José Gourmet
We preserve memory and tradition
JOSÉ is a name whose origin is lost in the memory of time. Many JOSÉs have passed through the most remote history of humanity. Many JOSÉs became known in recent history. To the JOSÉs who remained in the collective imagination, and to the JOSÉs who were relevant in the anonymity of life, our homage.
Evoking a name full of meaning, so Portuguese and at the same time universal, seemed to us to fit the meaning of the project we began a few years ago. In its Hebrew root, JOSÉ is “one who adds”. This was our purpose: to add material and immaterial value, to broaden the relationship between quality production and quality consumption, to increase awareness of the quality of raw materials, their food potential, the quality of small, large producers and products.

We preserve values and relationships
We are in between those who produce quality products and those who enjoy them. Between them, we carry out our adventure: to publicise, add value, promote new social and commercial relationships, and new social and eating habits between people and products.
We do not compete with our competitors, whatever they may be. We maintain an honest relationship with our suppliers and our customers. Those who produce with commitment and responsibility, who select good ingredients and use excellent processes deserve an equal return. We go out to meet customers – or they come to us – who are demanding and sensitive to fair trade, people who wouldn’t trade the best for anything and who are willing to buy our products at the right price.

We retain challenges and imagination
The quality of our products is the raison d’être of our company. But this quality does not exist alone. It is surrounded by people who play a leading role in the means, traditions, values, circumstances and possibilities: it is the cause and effect of ways of looking for the best in life. The graphic communication strategies accompany and help to promote the vitality of this challenge. It could only be this way.
We have with us the designer Luis Mendonça, responsible from scratch for all the company’s design and art direction. We needed someone capable of combining agility, demand, creativity and experience. Thus, the graphic project aggregates several valences, articulating needs and opportunities, involving design, art and in particular illustration. Bringing more people into our conviviality, authors whose prestige combines well with the excellence of our products. Our image is in fact a family of images, a diversified and united family, where there is always one more birth to come.

Maria Organic – The representative of naturalness
The Maria Organic product line represents Jose Gourmet’s organic, bio product line. Each material comes from strictly controlled organic farming and does not contain any added substances, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc.
Their products are completely gluten-, egg- and flour-free, so even food allergy sufferers can consume them with confidence!

Source of informations and images: josegourmet.com