Tricana is a registered brand of Conserveira de Lisboa since 1942. Tricana offers a range of big fishes, with a full maturation and it’s known by its one piece filets putted by hand inside each can. All this characteristics make this brand a choice of Conserveira de Lisboa because it guaranties that our clients will always have the best quality in every products.

Conserveira de Lisboa
Conserveira de Lisboa was first known as Mercearia do Minho and was established in 1930. Since then, the core business was canned food because one of its founders, Fernando da Silva Ferreira, was a retailer of this product. He started his activity as an employee and saved enough to purchase 1/3 of the company.
In 1942 Conserveira de Lisboa was consolidate as the official name after being through some different partnerships, even though Fernando da Silva was always a main partner in the company. During the 60s/70s the company achieved success by owning two big warehouses. This was a time when there was a lot of demand for canned food in Portugal. Gradually, the industry of canned food suffered a critical era due to the lack of adaptation of the factories, to the end of the Ultramar war, the frozen food and also the hypermarkets.
However, the activity in Conserveira de Lisboa was maintained because their own 3 big brands – Tricana, Prata do Mar and Minor – had long been registered, in 1942.
Even though the business was going well, in 1988, when Fernando da Silva decided to leave the company, the store was to be sold. At this time, his son, Armando José Cabral Ferreira, and daughter-in-law, Regina Maria Cabral Ferreira, bought half of the company and sold the other half to António Robalo Gouveia e Graça Robalo Gouveia.
In June of 2004, the entire company becomes property of Armando José Cabral Ferreira and Regina Maria Cabral Ferreira. In 2008, due to the decease of Armando José Cabral Ferreira, his son, Tiago José Cabral Ferreira, and daughter, Maria Manuel Cabral Ferreira, became partners of Conserveira de Lisboa Ldª.
In 2009 a last modification was made when Luís António Dias Vieira became partner. Since then, the structure of the administration has been the same what has resulted in a more sustainable development for the company.

Source of informations and images: conserveiradelisboa.pt