It’s probably no big secret that eating fish is actually very healthy. We have gathered 4 facts to back this up.
1. High in essential nutrients
- Fish is packed with many nutrients that most people lack.
- This includes high quality protein, iodine and a variety of vitamins and minerals.
- Fatty species are sometimes considered the healthiest. This is because fatty fish, including salmon, trout, sardines, tuna and mackerel, are rich in nutrients with higher fat content.
- Fatty fish also boast omega-3 fatty acids, which are key for optimal body and brain function and are closely linked to reducing the risk of many diseases.
2. Can boost brain health
- Brain function often declines with age.
- While mild mental decline is normal, there are also serious neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
- Several observational studies show that mental decline is slower in people who eat more fish.
- Studies also reveal that people who eat fish weekly have more grey matter – the most important functional tissue in your brain – in the parts of the brain that regulate emotions and memory.
3. Can help prevent and treat depression
- Depression is a common mental condition.
- It is characterised by low mood, sadness, reduced energy and loss of interest in life and activities.
- Although not nearly as widely discussed as heart disease or obesity, depression is now one of the world’s biggest health problems.
- Studies have shown that people who eat fish regularly are much less likely to suffer from depression.
- A number of controlled studies also reveal that omega-3 fatty acids can fight depression and significantly increase the effectiveness of antidepressant medication.
- Fish and omega-3 fatty acids may also help other mental conditions, such as bipolar disorder.
4. Good source of vitamin D
- Vitamin D acts like a steroid hormone in the body – and a whopping 41.6% of the US population is deficient in it.
- Fish and fish products are among the best dietary sources of vitamin D. Fatty fish such as salmon and herring contain the highest amounts
- A single 4-ounce (113 gram) serving of cooked salmon is about 100% of the recommended amount

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